Details for spark-branch-2.1-test-maven-hadoop-2.2 build #633

View on Jenkins

24 minutes
Start time
2017-09-17 17:49:11 ()

Failed tests

org.apache.spark.SparkContextSuite: addFile can be called twice with same file in non-local-mode (SPARK-16787) 13 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkContextSuite: add jar with invalid path 10 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkContextSuite: Cancelling job group should not cause SparkContext to shutdown (SPARK-6414) 10 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkContextSuite: Comma separated paths for newAPIHadoopFile/wholeTextFiles/binaryFiles (SPARK-7155) 13 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkContextSuite: Default path for file based RDDs is properly set (SPARK-12517) 13 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkContextSuite: calling multiple sc.stop() must not throw any exception 20 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkContextSuite: No exception when both num-executors and dynamic allocation set. 15 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkContextSuite: localProperties are inherited by spawned threads. 13 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkContextSuite: localProperties do not cross-talk between threads. 16 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkContextSuite: log level case-insensitive and reset log level 14 ms

Test time report

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