Details for spark-master-test-sbt-hadoop-2.7 build #5269

View on Jenkins

287 minutes
Start time
2018-12-09 17:47:32 ()

Failed tests

org.apache.spark.ContextCleanerSuite: (It is not a test it is a sbt.testing.SuiteSelector) 33 ms
org.apache.spark.JavaJdbcRDDSuite: testJavaJdbcRDD 39 ms
org.apache.spark.SparkContextInfoSuite: getRDDStorageInfo only reports on RDDs that actually persist data 114 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.LogUrlsStandaloneSuite: verify that log urls reflect SPARK_PUBLIC_DNS (SPARK-6175) 110722 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite: dynamic allocation with max cores <= cores per worker 63485 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite: dynamic allocation with max cores > cores per worker 62060 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite: dynamic allocation with cores per executor 61832 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite: dynamic allocation with cores per executor AND max cores 61940 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite: kill the same executor twice (SPARK-9795) 62387 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite: the pending replacement executors should not be lost (SPARK-10515) 63684 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite: disable force kill for busy executors (SPARK-9552) 63615 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite: initial executor limit 64465 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite: kill all executors on localhost 67037 ms
org.apache.spark.deploy.StandaloneDynamicAllocationSuite: executor registration on a blacklisted host must fail 66789 ms
org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncherSuite: testInProcessLauncherGetError 12197 ms
org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncherSuite: testInProcessLauncher 13361 ms
org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDDSuite: basic functionality 1 ms
org.apache.spark.rdd.JdbcRDDSuite: large id overflow 1 ms (It is not a test it is a sbt.testing.SuiteSelector) 0 ms block replication - mixed between 1x to 5x 2993 ms proactive block replication - 4 replicas - 3 block manager deletions 3342 ms proactive block replication - 5 replicas - 4 block manager deletions 5429 ms block replication - addition and deletion of block managers 8237 ms
org.apache.spark.util.collection.SorterSuite: (It is not a test it is a sbt.testing.SuiteSelector) 0 ms
org.apache.spark.util.logging.DriverLoggerSuite: driver logs are persisted locally and synced to dfs 1 ms javaSparkContext 26 ms scalaSparkContext 30 ms
org.apache.spark.sql.FileBasedDataSourceSuite: (It is not a test it is a sbt.testing.SuiteSelector) 24602 ms

Test time report

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